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Aug 26, 2020

The addition of clinical information and verified cartilage damage progression on MRI may represent a new standard in determining progression of knee osteoarthritis. Drew Gunio, MD, MS discusses a new AJR article on why 2.5 mm may now be the new number to consider when reporting medial meniscal extrusion.

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Aug 14, 2020

Can HU reliably differentiate any benign sclerotic bone lesion (not just bone islands) from sclerotic metastases? David Robinson, MD explores the topic through the lens of a new AJR article on the subject.

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Aug 12, 2020

Jordan Perchik, MD discusses a new AJR study in which a team of breast imaging radiologists determine if case review and a targeted educational session can improve detection of microinvasive disease on mammography. The authors describe patterns key to upstaging DCIS and address the difficulty and limitations...

Aug 11, 2020

In this podcast, Edgar Perez, MD reviews new AJR data on how ablation fares in the morbidly obese demographic. Additionally, this podcast may help facilitate discussions about expectations, safety, efficacy, and complications during consultations with morbidly obese patients.

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Aug 3, 2020

Michael Nellamattathil, MD analyzes and reviews a recent AJR article on the various factors contributing to anesthesia time and exposure in pediatric patients undergoing MRI examinations and what can be done to improve these measures.
